我们高兴地宣布,为了支持中国食品生产企业强化食品安全管理体系,华体会体育电子 (CNFIA)和国际食品安全体系认证基金会(FSSC 22000)签署了合作意向书。
因此,我们非常高兴国际食品安全体系认证基金会(FSSC 22000)和华体会体育电子 (CNFIA)同意在中国食协的“食品安全体系合规评价标准”项目和FSSC 22000的“FSSC 发展方案”项目上开展合作。中国食协项目以促进食品生产企业建立符合法律法规要求的食品安全管理制度为目的,FSSC 22000发展方案的目的是帮助食品生产企业逐步建立符合国际标准的食品安全管理体系。双方的项目互为补充,能够支持食品生产企业建立稳固有效的食品安全管理体系。
关于FSSC 22000基金会的更多信息请访问:www.FSSC22000.com
CNFIA Collaborates with the Foundation FSSC 22000
April 8, 2020
We are very happy to announce that the China National Food Industry Association (CNFIA) and the Foundation Food Safety System Certification (FSSC 22000) have signed a Letter of Intent in order to support food manufacturers in China to enhance their food safety management systems.
Currently the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a severe international crisis and brings huge challenges to the global communities. It also shows how critical it is that our food supply chains remains operational and effective to ensure the supply of sufficient and safe food. Collaboration between stakeholders is essential to achieve this.
Therefore we are very happy that CNFIA and FSSC 22000 agreed to collaborate on CNFIA’s project “Standard of regulatory compliance of food safety management system” and the FSSC Foundation’s “FSSC Development Program”. The purpose of CNFIA’s project is to support food manufacturers establishing food safety management processes that are required by regulations, while the purpose of the FSSC Development Program is to support food manufactures in realizing food safety management systems that are international recognized and accepted. The programs are complementary to each other and will support the food manufacturers in realizing robust and effective food safety management systems.
Further details on the collaboration and activities will be shared in the coming months.
For further information of the Foundation FSSC 22000: www.FSSC22000.com